Ep. 15: Veteran Highlight: Transitioning from Military to Civilian with the Spirit Team

Ep. 15: Veteran Highlight: Transitioning from Military to Civilian with the Spirit Team

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As a veteran-owned business, Spirit is deeply connected to our military background, and we are welcoming many new team members who have also served in the military. Today’s episode is highlighting our Spirit veterans and their stories about their transition from military career to civilian life.

Wherever you are this weekend, we hope you will join us in honoring our service members who have sacrificed their lives for our nation.

Our nonprofit foundation Spirit Gives also recognizes the family members that share in this sacrifice by supporting gold star families who have lost a loved member in service.

As a veteran-owned business, Spirit is deeply connected to our military background, and we are welcoming many new team members who have also served in the military. Today’s episode is highlighting our Spirit veterans and their stories about their transition from military career to civilian life.

You can hear our team talk about how this is a challenging transition for many of our service members. Listen in whether you’re a veteran about to transition or a civilian interested in how to help a team member out in their new career. 

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