Ep. 63: EPC’s Alex Lidow: GaN Applications and Reliability from Ground to Space

Ep. 63: EPC's Alex Lidow: GaN Applications and Reliability from Ground to Space

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In this episode, EPC CEO Alex Lidow returns to the podcast to talk with Marti about GaN’s growth in space, automotive, and AI.

EPC’s Gallium Nitride (GaN) products have transformed the industry since Spirit first partnered with EPC on franchised distribution 6 years ago. EPC CEO Alex Lidow returns to the podcast to talk with Marti about GaN’s growth in space, automotive, and AI.

With space flight heritage and active products in all orbits from LEO to GEO to Mars, GaN has superior radiation resilience for satellites, data gathering, and exploration. For more info on EPC @ Spirit Electronics, visit SpiritElectronics.com/linecard/epc.

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