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Spirit Electronics does in-house testing to qualify our components. We own the lot until our customer receives it, taking full ownership of failures until itʼs in your hands. So you know that the parts youʼre receiving are 100% problem-free. Guaranteed.

“Because we’re a unique supplier involved in each step of the full turnkey process, we’re able to guarantee every part of the product.”
Marti McCurdy
Failure-free qualified components from Spirit Electronics

One of these chips has been qualified by our OEM authorized facility, never leaving our sight.

The other has been outsourced by its distributor to an unauthorized third-party subcontractor, voiding its factory warranty.

Which do you want on your board?

How can you protect yourself from counterfeit components?

“The most counterfeited product in the global microelectronics market is not always a fake. Very often it is a true OEM original but has been altered and is not suitable for the full requirements of system performance and use in a critical military system.” – Spirit CEO Marti McCurdy

In an article published in Military Embedded Systems, Marti explains common methods of counterfeiting parts and what you can do to prevent becoming a victim.

Quality WITH Control

Components from Spirit Electronics have been qualified at our OEM authorized facility, never leaving our sight. Other distributors outsource their component testing to third-party subcontractors where they can change hands again and again, voiding the factory warranty. Spirit Electronics saves our customers time, expense and complications.

PEM Qual Time Savings


Traditional Qual Process


Spirit Electronics Qual Process

Contact us today to learn how Spirit Electronics can help your company streamline and secure its supply chain.